About Cotswold Taste
Cotswold Taste is an organisation for food and drink produced locally that promotes quality and in a way that does not harm the unique landscape and environment within the Cotswolds and the surrounding area. We are a member owned cooperative, set up in 2016 and run by a voluntary management teams. Our mission is threefold:
To represent, promote and support all Cotswold businesses that sustainably grow, produce, manufacture, sell and service the finest, local and artisan food and drink including the agri-food and hospitality sectors,
To provide a service to the sectors, with the aim to grow its members revenues within and outside the UK, and to support the reputation of the Cotswolds, as an exciting and sustainable fine food hub in the UK,
To contribute to the local economy, looking after the Cotswold’s countryside and heritage, maintaining a quality of life for its residents, improving the environment and attracting more visitors to the Cotswolds area.