The Say Aphasia charity provides support groups across the UK for people with aphasia; a language and communication disability caused by a brain injury like a stroke. Aphasia affects over 350,000 ...
The Say Aphasia charity provides support groups across the UK for people with aphasia; a language and communication disability caused by a brain injury like a stroke. Aphasia affects over 350,000 people in the UK but is little understood or known about by the public. It is the only aphasia charity set up by people with aphasia for people with aphasia; helping them to adapt to their new way of life and regain their independence and confidence. Aphasia occurs due to injury to the brain such as a stroke. It affects access to language, resulting in difficulties following conversations, speaking, reading and writing. People’s language can be affected to different degrees so not everyone’s aphasia looks the same. Imagine for a moment not being able to verbally order a coffee or ask for a bus ticket. This may be what life could look like for someone with aphasia. Aphasia is a lifelong condition and means that the person living with aphasia, their friends and family will need to adjust to a new way of communicating to overcome barriers. This may mean having to write or draw things instead of speaking. Due to the damage in the brain, people with aphasia may find it difficult to process conversions as quickly as before. Aphasia frequently results in loss of employment and a reduced social network, leading to isolation for the person living with aphasia. Say Aphasia are always looking to welcome new volunteers to help out at the drop-in groups. Volunteering for the charity is very rewarding. The training and support ensures that the volunteers learn and enjoy their time with the charity. By giving your time to people with aphasia, you will be improving their quality of life. Many of the members attending the groups live alone, or have minimal social interactions. Having a regular drop-in group to meet others with similar experiences of living with aphasia, vastly improves their mental health and well being. As a volunteer, you can help the members to communicate with each other, help to organise activities, or help out with teas and coffees. Say Aphasia offers a warm welcome to volunteers.
We are looking for a Group Support Assistant to help support our Stroud drop in which takes place on 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 10.30am - 12.30pm.Posted bySay Aphasia