Roots Gloucester

About Roots Gloucester

Roots Gloucester is a social enterprise (CIC) providing an affordable / accessible food and drink offer in a friendly social space, done well in Kingsholm, through a community cafe, a refills shop, a community use space and a teaching offering.

Roots' aims to be a place that is open to all, equipping, empowering and encouraging our local community to develop their potential through such things as creative arts, life skills, health & wellbeing, family values, and friendship. Ultimately, our vision is to help make Kingsholm a more positive place to live.

This means running an affordable, community cafe and plastic free Refills shop serving food and drink and consumer goods that aim to be (LOAF) Locally supplied, Organically grown, Ethically produced and Fairly traded at a price point that is affordable to local people. We also provide a community space for a wide range of local groups to use for group meeting and events. We also have a registered training kitchen which is to be developed to provide training and volunteering opportunities to various local groups and individuals in order to upskill people with vocational and life skills as part of various therapeutic and community building programmes.
