Complementary therapists
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We are looking for Complementary therapies to volunteer at our Carers event in June during Carers rights weekDetailed description
Are you a Complementary therapist who could volunteer a couple of hours at our Carers event on 8th June? You will need to be qualified and insured. We are looking for Complementary therapist who are registered with CHNC FHT or another known organisation. Even you could spare 1-2 hours on the day of the event. It would be a great opportunity to share a mini treatment such as IHM, hand massage, reflexology (a treatment where the client remains clothed) and also speak about the benefits of complementary therapies, you are more than welcome to give out leaflets, business cards and we will of course give you a shout out on our social media. For anyone needing to use it as part of CPD or other studies please let me know and I can provide a certificate.
About Gloucestershire Carers Hub
If you register with the Carers Hub you will have access to free information, guidance, support, to empower you in your caring role. This could help you to meet other carers and to interact with others in a safe space.
The Carers Hub is an easily accessed service where you can gain support, feel valued and offload your worries or concerns.
What help can I get from Gloucestershire Carers Hub?
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG), from our supportive Triage team
Wellbeing support
Signposting to other services
Contingency Planning Support
Benefits and financial advice
Full carers assessments, support planning and reviews
Access to groups
Training, social gatherings and activities
Access to the Carer Aware Discount Scheme
Professional counselling service
Buddy Up
Employment support
We offer a safe space to talk about you and your caring role, we will work with you to identify how we can support you.