Gardening Volunteer
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Do you enjoy gardening? We need you to help us maintain these beautiful gardens for everyone in the community to enjoy.Detailed description
About the role
The Friends of the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden and the Honeybourne Line meet on the second and fourth Thursday morning of each month from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm.
We work with the council's Green Space Development Team to look after the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden and the Honeybourne Line. Typical jobs for our volunteer working parties include planting, clearing, weeding and litter picking. Gardening knowledge is welcome but not necessary. All tools provided. Volunteers need to wear suitable clothing for working outdoors.
We have a break halfway through the morning to share coffee and cakes and have a chat. Volunteers are asked to contribute £1 towards coffee and refreshments, and have the option of taking part in a baking rota.
Other jobs done by volunteers include: fundraising for improvements, maintaining the noticeboard and social media, and organising occasional events.
To apply, please click 'Join' and you will be asked a short question. We will then be in touch to discuss the next steps with you.
About Friends of Winston Churchill Memorial Garden & Honeybourne Line
We hold regular volunteer working parties on the second and fourth Thursday morning of each month, and new volunteers are always welcome. No gardening knowledge is necessary. All equipment is provided, just make sure that you are wearing clothing suitable for working outside. We break for coffee and cakes halfway through the morning to catch up and discuss plans for the park. Volunteers are invited to donate £1 to the cost of refreshments.
We also help to raise funds for improvements to the park (e.g. new play equipment and benches) and host and organise occasional events.