Carer Support Volunteers

Carer Support Volunteers

Organisation role · Flexible hours
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Care workSupport workSocial contact
WellbeingOlder peopleCommunity & family

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Could you become a Carer Support befriender? Our Carer Support service provides a regular break for carers. We would love to hear from you!

Detailed description

It is often difficult for carers to take a much-needed break from their caring responsibilities, but regular breaks are vital to allow carers to stay well themselves.

Our Carer Support Volunteers support the carer by befriending the cared-for, allowing the carer some much needed respite.

They also provide important social interaction and friendship for the person they care for.

Volunteers support carers by chatting and listening. A difficult week can seem so much better when you have shared the experience with someone.

During their break, carers visit family and friends, go shopping, attend medical appointments, exercise or catch up on some much needed sleep.

If you think this role could be for you, we would love to hear from you.

Ready to volunteer? Contact us now!

What our Carer Support volunteers think: “The clients I have befriended have all been amazing people with valued experience. I have learnt from these friendships which have also provided me with fun and enjoyment.”

What our Carer Support clients think: “It gives you time to be yourself and not have to be on call all of the time. It has also given us a new friend.”

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Cotswold Friends

Cotswold Friends is a charity that helps and supports older and vulnerable people.
We run a number of services in the North Cotswolds, including befriending, carer support and community activities, and have expanded our community transport service into Cirencester.
Whether you have volunteered for charity work before, or are new to the voluntary sector, Cotswold Friends has the right role for you!
We have a wide variety of volunteering options. Our services run throughout the year, so we can always find a volunteering time to suit you.