About Cats Protection
We are here to help people see the world through cats’ eyes
Since 1927 we have helped cats across the UK and helped people to better understand their needs. As a community of volunteers, employees, supporters and partners, we’ve improved the lives of millions of cats and transformed the way millions of people see and care for cats.
Our vision is a society where every cat has their best possible life because they are protected, cared for and understood by everyone.
This is not an easy thing to achieve, but that’s the point. It’s challenging and ambitious. But by moving towards it we’ll continually make the world better for cats and people.
We also have a clear definition of what we all do in Cats Protection – the mission we are on to deliver our vision.
We are a movement of people championing the welfare of cats. We lead society in a richer understanding of all cats and care for those that need our help.
This can be summed up by our purpose. If we can help everyone to better understand cats and their needs, we can help them to behave differently towards them, to care for them in the best way and to ensure the world appreciates and protects cats. That is why our purpose is:
To help people see the world through cats’ eyes