

Organisation role · 1–12 hrs/month
Henley House Barnett Way, Barnwood, Gloucester GL4 3RT, UK
Community & familyOlder peopleWellbeing
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Age UK Gloucestershire
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Sue ScrivensAsk Sue a question


We’re looking for people who can share their wide range of skills and experiences and want to be involved in helping us make the biggest difference possible.

Detailed description



This is a voluntary position. Trustees are elected for a term of 3 years which can be renewed a maximum of 3 times


The fundamental purpose of the role is to support the charity to achieve its aims by providing effective governance and setting strategic direction.


Trustees attend Board Meetings 6 times a year to review the performance of the charity, to make decisions about the use of resources available and to consider the strategic direction. Outside of Board Meetings, Trustees get involved in working groups on specific issues that need additional action. 


Main Responsibilities


  • Providing strategic leadership for the organisation by reviewing our strategic aims, setting overall policy and evaluating performance.
  • Ensuring the organisation and those representing it operate within all relevant legal, financial and regulatory requirements.
  • Acting in the best interests of the organisation and those it is set up to support at all times.
  • Managing and using the resources of the organisation so as to make the biggest difference to older people in Gloucestershire.
  • Ensuring robust systems are in place for internal financial control and the protection of the organisation’s funds and assets.
  • Promoting the charity externally at public events, to stakeholders, and with funders.
  • Appointing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and monitoring their performance.
  • Maintaining good relationships with staff and volunteers and ensuring the charity is promoting their wellbeing, and is a good place to work


One Trustee also acts as Honorary Treasurer. This Trustee brings financial expertise and helps Trustees to fulfil their responsibilities around good financial governance. They provide additional liaison between the Board and the Head of Finance & Resources who manages the charity’s finances day to day. Focusses across the year will include:


  • the production of regular financial monitoring information provided to the Board.
  • ensuring adequate financial controls are in place and are being followed.
  • shaping and scrutinising the annual budget.
  • supporting with the external audit and production of the annual report & account. 


What are we looking for in a Trustee?


·       People who can question, discuss and debate issues to ensure the governance of the charity is robust and the Board makes good decisions about how to fulfil its mission and responsibilities.

·       Enquiring minds – people who are interested in the challenge of changing demography and how a local charity might influence things in the county of Gloucestershire.

·       People who are effective at working as part of a team, but who are confident in voicing their own views even if these are not the majority view. 

·       People who can champion Age UK Glos and our approach, acting as ambassadors for what we do to a wide range of audiences.

·       People with a connection to Gloucestershire and its many communities – we are a Gloucestershire organisation and seek to be relevant to people from all backgrounds living in all the districts.


Valuable Expertise


A governing body needs people with a range of skills. All Boards benefit from Trustees who bring experience in running organisations, HR and people management, legal knowledge and operations. 


Looking at our strategic plan we have also identified a need for input around:


  • Financial governance
  • Fundraising
  • Health & Social Care Commissioning
  • Communications
  • Community activism
  • Digital / Technology
  • Information and Advice Provision
  • Ageing, Later Life, Disability and Caring
  • Gloucestershire Communities
  • Political Influencing
  • Data analysis


Trustees don’t need to know about all of these areas. A good Board is a blend of different skills and perspectives.


Board Diversity

A good Board also has Trustees from a range of backgrounds, reflecting the community of Gloucestershire. Our current Trustee Board has more men than women, has Trustees aged from 20s to 70s, three work and the remainder are retired. Our current Trustees live in and around Gloucester, Cheltenham, the Forest and South Cotswolds. We are particularly keen to receive applications from people from different social and ethnic backgrounds as we broaden our representation to reflect all local communities.


Getting there

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About Age UK Gloucestershire

Age UK Gloucestershire's ambition is for Gloucestershire to be the best county in which to grow older. We think it’s great news that we’re living longer, and are here to support all older people to live the later life that they would choose.

Too often ageing is portrayed negatively. We work to make sure people feel positive about growing older, to dispel myths and challenge ageism.

We champion age-friendly communities to make sure all older people have access to the services, activities and support they need to stay healthy and active.

We support communities to provide fun and meaningful social opportunities for older people to encourage strong social connections, reduce isolation and offer a sense of purpose.

We are the safe place for people to contact if they don’t know where else to turn. We provide high-quality information, guidance and advice to help older people make the best decisions about their social and healthcare options, and support them to access the services and claim the benefits they need to live well for longer.